Here we outline a project to build a 'college' of civil-society activist capability, using a wiki farm as its basic repository of materials and locus of collaboration.
Jun 2022: I’m moving into a phase (I hope) of spinning up another user community in It will be a ‘college’ like Marc’s RelocalizeCreativity. If successful it will need to have a *dedicated server*, like Marc’s.
It may not necessarily have more traffic overall (ie server load), but may have many more branches (topic areas, memberships, logins, access rights). Thus, maybe some different account protocols required? Maybe also, different sysadmin demands?
But to begin, it will need *a number of early-adopter/entrepreneur individuals* to take up individual accounts, and prove to themselves that wiki is indeed a **viable, vernacular** (ie handy, obvious, reliable) **, digital text medium** for a commons of collaborating, documenting and visible, intentional, collective evolving of **organisational and educational means**.
Which of course, is what is for?
This gives rise to a number of queries. - Creating a new wiki - Create subdomains - Migrating a site to another farm
Can we evolve answers here, that I can post as FAQs in this wiki: [] ?